Friday, July 21, 2006

I Have Great Timing

I'm going to Atlanta on the 10th of August to meet my new nephew. I planned the trip so that I hit both my younger brother and my mom's birthdays. My parents are throwing a party that weekend, which they have deemed 60/60/20 - they both turned 60 this year and are celebrating their 20th anniversary. So, it was good timing.

Except that we have tickets to the Sox game on the 11th.

And it's Elvis night.

And the first meeting of my new book club is Saturday afternoon.

And Super Diamond is playing the House of Blues on the 12th.

Dammitt! I love the Sox, and we only had tickets to four games this season (one of which is tonight, yay!). So, that's a bummer because I love baseball games, and I hate to miss out. I have loved Elvis since... I can't actually remember when my love began, but I love him. I went to Graceland a few years ago, and the best Valentine's Day gift I ever got was a Vermont Teddy Bear dressed like Elvis. Super Diamond, if you don't know, is a Neil Diamond cover band. Don't laugh. They're AWESOME. It was one of the first concerts that Boyfriend and I went to together, and it has sort of become an annual event - we even went to see them when our Vegas vacation coincided with Super Diamond's schedule. I swear, that one wasn't intentional. I was really excited about my new book club, which was inspired by the recent class I took in popular romance fiction. It has been a long time since I was in a book club and, being in school, I rarely get to read for fun. I'll still read the book, of course, but I was really looking forward to talking about it.

Meeting my nephew is worth missing these things but... I really wish I do all of these things.

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